
Migrant-advisor will be an online, publicly available portal and tool that will display research findings of existing quantitative surveys undertaken with migrant populations worldwide and migrant reviews on various topics regarding their place of settlement. Overall, it aims to improve the living conditions of migrant populations moving around the globe.

Developing such a tool will foster the societal impact of such research outputs by allowing a wide number of migrants to access the useful information they may provide.

A live poll/review system with frequent (short) ‘overall satisfaction with the place of living‘ surveys, targeting migrants living there for more than a year (e.g., what does/rates for hotels, etc).

One of the top challenges for the long-term sustainability of such a tool is that the ‘work can be done’ only with the engagement of a truly global community and the partnership with research institutes and civil society organisations worldwide, such as the model platform followed (you can have a quick idea through this two-minute video ).